Our vision is to reach children and young people, impact their families, and transform the city that God has placed on our doorstep.
This is a God-sized vision that will define City Center Church for the next decade and beyond, and it is going to take all of us to accomplish it.
As thankful as we are for what God has done, we are even more excited and expectant for what He is calling us into. We believe God is bringing us to a new season of opportunity and challenging us to take a greater step of faith than ever before. For the next two years, we are entering into a season called "TRANSFORM."
Our church is growing and the opportunities ahead of us to build God's Kingdom are increasing. Our challenge to you is to consider what it means to TRANSFORM every area of your life - to move beyond "life as usual" and make investments in things that will have an eternal impact.
Matt and Jeannie Purkey
Lead Pastors
There are over 8,000 new homes being planned for Johnson County in the next decade. That's over 30,000 new people moving into our neighborhoods in the next 5 years alone. God is literally bringing the people to our front door, and He is calling us to reach them.
Our current youth and children's facilities, as they stand, are hindering us from growing. The narrow hallways, confusing layout, and outdated classrooms and large group spaces are creating limitations in our ability to reach new families. However, limitations create opportunities, and we believe God has given us an opportunity to renovate our current youth and children's areas to help us reach the next generation, impact their families, and transform our community in Christ.
There is no doubt that God is moving in and around City Center Church. You can impact the Kingdom through participating in God's work and seeing the growth that comes through giving. But it doesn't start or stop there. Generosity happens one step at a time. We simply ask you to be involved in this Transform Initiative and that means to start in prayer. As you pray and discern how God would ask you to give during this time, ask God to inspire and challeng you towards greater generosity to fulfill our mission to REACH, IMPACT, and TRANSFORM.
GOAL #2: $13.7 MILLION
TRANSFORM is a God-sized vision! It will cost $13.7 million over the next two years to accomplish everything God has called us to do.
God has given us an opportunity to grow personally and as a church. It is going to take ALL of us to do this.
We would love to answer any additional questions you have on the Transform Initiative. Please email